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Coronavirus Update

At Church of the Open Door, our concern is for the health and safety of everyone that attends our church and for the visitors that come through our doors.  

The leadership team will continue to monitor the status of the Coronavirus and determine if the Sunday morning services will be held. Currently, we have opened our doors with some limitations. Join us Sunday morning at 10 am.

Our Men's and Women's Bible studies have started back up. Please see the calendar page for specific times and dates.  

The latest updates for the church will be posted on this page.  Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.  

If there are any delays they will be posted here.  The Evening Services and Ministry Hour are currently being held.  Check the calendar page for all the latest updates regarding the Ministry Hour and Evening Services.



Church of the Open Door 

1730 Burlingame Avenue SW
Wyoming, MI (MAP IT)


10am Worship
11:15am Ministry Hour
5:30pm Evening Worship


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